Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Questionable Parenting Skills...

These past couple of days I have been questioning my parenting skills. First, Sunday afternoon the three of us made a trip out to Wal-Mart to pick up the necessary baby items, household products, etc. I should preface the remainder of this story with that I usually run errands alone… well as we are strolling around the store I am talking with Adam and not so much watching Isaac. Well… I don’t think my “mommy multi-task super power” has kicked in yet because the next thing you know the shopping list is missing a rather large corner piece. Yep… that’s right… he ate the list! Luckily, there was no harm done and we got most of the paper out before we swallowed all of it.
As if this wasn’t enough to make me doubt my parenting skills, Monday I observed that my son might need to work on his people skills. Monday morning when I dropped off the little man at daycare I set him down to play with his friends on the mat while I put away his belongings (bottle, diapers, etc). Next thing you know I see his BFF Evan fall over… because Isaac stole his toy right from Evan’s little hands! So I go over, sit Evan back up, return his toy and then continue to put Isaac’s things away. Next, I hear Chase crying…because Isaac stole her Binky right from her mouth! He doesn’t even like Binky’s! So I think I have some work to do on some of my parenting skills… learn to multi-task and teach Isaac to share!

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