Thursday, July 10, 2008

Family, Family, Family

This past week/weekend was such a blast! We were able to spend the entire weekend in the company of family and friends. First, Wednesday evening, Uncle Tyler, Aunt Brianne and the twins came over to babysit I-man. Adam and I escaped for the evening for a Cardinal’s game. The girls had such a fun time with their baby cousin…we just can’t wait until he’s big enough to really play. Then Grandma Judy flew in on Friday and she played with Isaac all afternoon. After Isaac went to sleep, the three of us spent the evening grilling out and watching fireworks from our deck. Saturday afternoon the West Grandparents arrived and then they played with Isaac all afternoon. Papa and Grammy West volunteered to babysit on Saturday night so Adam and I could venture over to the VanAnne’s for UFC Fight Night. On Sunday, Adam and I again were able to attend the Card’s game. (Yes… we had three baby sitters in one week, which is strange because including these we have only had 6 babysitters in the past 8 months! So it was sure nice to have a few hours as adults!) Monday is when the real fun started, Brian, Erin and Micaiah came to town. YEAH!!! We finally got to meet the cute little thing… although she isn’t that little anymore! Isaac got to share all his fun toys with his new cuz’. It was great to see the Houston West’s and hopefully it won’t be another 8 months before we see each other again. Isaac had so much fun all weekend showing Papa how to use his toys (I truly think Papa likes them better than I-man), splashing in his new pool, showing off his new skills for the grandparents and playing with his cousins. It was great!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Sara you have such a cute little guy! Congrats, you have a beautiful family. I hope things are well in St. Louis.
Nikki (Kuhl) Lewis