Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Eigth Month Montage

Age: 8 months
Weight: 23 lbs
Length: 28 1/2 inches
Health Report: After all the testing and treatments it is safe to say that Isaac might have baby asthma but he has “no allergies what-so-ever”. YEAH!!! We are done (for now) with all breathing treatments, steroids and antibiotics. HALLELUAH!
* These were measured by mom and dad. We didn’t have a Wellness Exam at 8 months.

Isaac is beginning too… rock on hand and knees, indicate wants with gestures, mimic mom and dad, say bababababa (I think dada is in the near future) and have food preferences (not a huge fan of some of the new flavors).

Isaac has mastered… the army crawl( it is so funny looking), scooting, standing with assistance, looking for a hidden object, playing peek-a-boo, making motorboat noises, and making “Indian call” noises.

Isaac loves… exploring by army crawling, zerberts, standing, Hippo Head, his new Happy Frog baby pool, bath time and story time.

Isaac currently dislikes… when mom and/or dad leave the room.

Names we call him… I-man, Stinker, Munchkin and Big Guy.

Proud Parents… This has been the best month yet. Isaac is (what I think) at the perfect age… he sits, he plays, he laughs, he crawls, and he is such a little ham! He has kept us laughing from the motorboat and “Indian call” noises to the bob your head dancing. He is developing his own little personality which has been so fun to see evolve. We just love hanging out with our little guy.

1 comment:

KB109 said...

He's such a cutie! We miss you guys! - Kari & Bobby