Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Momentary Lapse in Sanity

Isaac is such a little man. In the course of the past couple weeks my baby has grown into such a little man. He is actively crawling all around the floor to explore this new world. (I will try to post a video soon.) And over the weekend, Isaac learned to get himself to a sitting position from his belly. We were quite impressed to walk into his room one morning and find him sitting on his bed, smiling because he was so proud of himself. (We were proud of him too!). But thru these growth milestones, I find myself sadly missing my little baby. The one that would stay put for more than 2 seconds, but more importantly cuddle for hours. I miss his sweet “new baby” scent. Of course, I mentioned this to Adam, how I just miss our little baby and that I would like another one…yes you heard me right… I said I wanted another baby! I obviously had a momentary lapse in sanity because while I miss our little guy, I would never be able to keep up with two.


KB109 said...

Hahaha, you are too funny! It is so sad to watch them grow up but just think of all the fun stuff to come. We have so much fun with McKenzie now that I just can't wait to see what else is in store for us with her. She's always coming up with something to make Bobby and I laugh. Take for instance last night, she thought it would be fun to play with the locks on the house door. She locked us into our garage! LOL Luckily Bobby had his keys on him.

Oh, and I think you would do just fine with two! if we can handle it, you can handle it!!

Anonymous said...

is this some sort of clue you are poppin out a new babe soon? I sure hope so!!!