Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Family, Family and More Family

April was a busy month for us. We were able to spend three weekends in a row with different family members. Grammy and Papa West came to STL to celebrate Easter with us. We had lots of plans but of course we didn’t do any of them. Instead, we enjoyed each other’s company and just played around the house with the little dude. We did however have an Easter egg hunt. Isaac was too cute searching for his eggs except I probably didn’t need to fill as many as I did. Because once he realized there was goldfish, etc. inside he was more interested in eating than looking for eggs. We had a great time with Grammy and Papa and we miss them already!

The next weekend we packed up and headed to Houston to visit Brian, Erin and Micaiah. We had a few minor hindrances like AB almost missing our flight, it rained for two straight days and the terrible traffic on the way to Galveston. But none of these things really bothered us because the two kiddos were having such a good time with one another. Micaiah didn’t really know what to think of Isaac at first but she really warmed up to him. Again, we spent most of the time enjoying each others company and watching the kids play. We did take a trip to Galveston Bay and while Micaiah loved the ocean, Isaac was deathly afraid of all that water. He did enjoy the dirt and chasing the seagulls. We had a so much fun with the West family and we wish we could have stayed longer. Brian, Erin and Micaiah, thank you so much for having us. We hope we can come visit again soon.

This past weekend Rogy and JuJu (AB’s parents new Indian names thanks to Lily and Grace) came to STL to visit their grandchildren and celebrate Cade’s 11th birthday. Rogy and JuJu were busy from the minute they landed in STL. AB, Tyler, Roger and Cade spent Friday afternoon golfing. The kids, Bre, Judy and I enjoyed a late afternoon visit to the park. This is where I determined Isaac has no fear of animals because he literally chased down a duck. We ate dinner at Chucky Cheese, which was a first time experience for I-man, and he seemed to enjoy it. Saturday Rogy and JuJu juggled their time between Cade’s baseball and soccer games and a visit with us to Grant’s Farm. We went to the farm once last summer and Isaac seemed to like it. But this year, he absolutely loved all the animals. He even tried to feed the baby goats but none of them were hungry. I was so proud of my little man! Saturday evening we had a bar-b-que at our house , watched the kids play and tried to take a couple family snap-shots. Thanks for coming Rogy and JuJu!

We had such a fantastic time these past three weeks but now we are exhausted!

1 comment:

KB109 said...

He is getting so big, and so cute! We miss you guys. We need to schedule a visit to St. Louis this summer or fall to see you guys.
Kari & Bobby