We attended Bunny Breakfast at Isaac’s daycare again this year. But unlike last year, this year Isaac wanted nothing to do with the Easter Bunny. But of course being the determined person that I am, I was determined to get a picture of I-man and the Easter Bunny. The first go around didn’t go so well, we sat down next to the Easter Bunny and Isaac just whaled. I could hear in his shrieking “Mom, what the hell are you thinking? I want nothing to do with this scary furry white thing!” So I let him off my lap and he went sprinting away, not looking back.
There were plenty of other things to do so we ate breakfast, decorated an Easter bag, played with play-dough and participated in the egg hunt. Isaac enjoyed all of these things and would get mad at us when we tried to take him to the next activity. And each time we would move to the next activity, I-man would make sure to give the evil eye to the Bunny.
Before we were getting ready to leave, I wanted to try for a picture with the Easter Bunny one more time. AB of course told me I was crazy, but I was determined. So… this time I went in with a different approach. I had I-man give the Bunny high-fives and he seemed all right with it. So I nonchalantly sat next to the Bunny for one more try… and it worked! We got this…. 
Not to bad, right?
We had a great time and now we looking forward to having our own Easter celebration this weekend with Grammy and PaPa.
Not to bad, right?
We had a great time and now we looking forward to having our own Easter celebration this weekend with Grammy and PaPa.
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