Monday, August 11, 2008

Not a Fish but a Wonderful Baby

We spent Saturday afternoon at the VanAnne’s for some summer sun and fun. I (Sara) was extremely excited to take Isaac swimming in a big pool for the first time. As a child, I was a pool rat. I spent my afternoons swimming at the local pool, I was on the swim team for 10 years and a lifeguard in high school. So I can’t explain how disappointed I was when Isaac wasn’t all that excited about the prospects of being in a large body of water. I just thought he would be a little fish (just like his momma) because he loves his baths and baby pool. He didn’t cry or scream, he just didn’t seem to care all that much about swimming. I was so sad!
We spent the evening grilling out and letting the babies play together. While we hadn’t intended to stay after dinner, the VanAnne’s decided to buy the UFC fight. So…the VanAnne’s pulled out their pack n’ play and we did Isaac’s night time routine at their house. I wasn’t sure how Isaac was going to take to being away from his house with unfamiliar sights and sounds but he was sooo good. He went ride to bed! After the fight was over, we took him home and put him in his crib and it wasn’t a problem at all. He is so easy going, and we just love that about him. We couldn’t ask for a better baby! So while he may not be a fish, he is just a wonderful baby!!!

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