Monday, August 25, 2008

The Ninth Month Montage

Age: 9 months
Weight: 22 lbs …75th percentile
Length: 30 ¼ inches … 90th percentile (tall like his daddy)
Head Circumference: 18 ½ inches…80th percentile
Health Report: Isaac has a slight cold but nothing too serious.

Isaac is beginning too… pull himself up, feed himself, drink from a sippy cup, learn the meaning of “no-no”, crawl on hands and knees.

Isaac has mastered… the army crawl, getting to a sitting position from his belly, “Ba-Ba” and “Dada” (no mama yet)

Isaac loves… exploring by army crawling, pulling himself up to sitting, chasing Oscar, giving his toys to Oscar, beating up Oscar and “Little Einstein’s”.

Isaac currently dislikes… waiting for anything, changing clothes and diaper changes.

Names we call him… I-man, Munchkin and Big Guy.

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