Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Third Month Montage

Age: 3 months
Weight: 16 lbs…WOW!
Length: 26 ½ inches
* These stats were measured by mom and dad because we didn’t have to see Dr. Huger this month. It is pretty exciting for us not to visit the pediatrician because we made way too many visits the first two months.

Isaac is beginning to… sleep on his side, roll over, make friends at daycare, giggle at mom and dad, sit with assistance, identify objects and grasp them and put himself to sleep in his crib at naptime.

Isaac has mastered… smiling, talking, and playing with mom and dad. (All right… I admit, he might do these things with just about anyone.)

Isaac loves…playing on the floor with mommy and daddy, zerberts/raspberries on his belly, tickling, daddy’s rap songs (Dad tries to keep this G rated), his play gym, the daycare’s “Stargazer” and bouncy seat.

Isaac currently dislikes…TUMMY TIME. (If you recall, Isaac disliked tummy time last month too!)

Names we call him…Munchkin (Ironic?) and Bud.

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