Thursday, February 21, 2008

How Can So Much Come Out of Somone So Little?

Contrary to my prior post, we had to visit Dr. Huger yesterday. (He only weighs 15lbs 10 oz…Surprisingly, we overestimated.) Isaac has the stomach flu! Friday when I picked Isaac up from daycare they mentioned that Isaac had thrown up, but they didn’t call because he was completely happy and not running a fever. Of course, when they told me this, I thought they meant that he had spit up. Let’s face it…Isaac has always been a spitter, so this didn’t concern me. Well, Tuesday night…HOLY MOLY…. Puking Rally! It was on him, on me, on the couch, on the floor… it was everywhere! How can so much come out of someone so little? Being the happy little guy that he is, he pukes, then smiles and continues on with his day. Although the stomach flu doesn’t seem to be upsetting Isaac, hopefully it will pass soon!

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