Age: 2 years
Weight: 35 lbs
Length: 36 ¾ inches
Age: 2 years
Weight: 35 lbs
Length: 36 ¾ inches
Isaac is beginning too… remember things he is told (i.e. Ciah went bye-bye, Daddy at work, ““who bit you today”…”Noah””.), drink from a big boy cup, walk up and down stairs with assistance, say and recognize his ABC’s, count to ten (sometime to 13), say small sentences (i.e. “I did that”, “thank you mommy”) and catch a ball.
Isaac has mastered… recognizing and naming colors, naming most body parts, recognizing animals and the sounds that correspond, putting two words together, throwing and kicking a ball and running.
Isaac loves… balls, cars, and Little People. He is really likes putting in and taking out the Little People from the bus or airplane. Loves to color and water color paint. Isaac is obsessed with Sesame Street.
Isaac currently dislikes… getting in the car seat.
Names we call him… Iman and munchkin.
Fun Facts:
In the last few months Isaac's vocabulary has quadrupled. He can repeat pretty much everything (so we are really watching what we say). Our favorite things that Isaac says include “thank you mommy/daddy” “Oc-ca …bad dog!” “Kiss it”. We love to watch his little brain conger up a sentence. He sits and thinks for a few seconds and then says something like… “Isaac eat cookie too”.
Favorite words/sayings: "Octopus "Isaac do it" “Daddy all done” (he likes to announce when people are done eating).
He loves rap music, especially Black Eyed Peas. He often sits in his car seat and says..."Do It, Do It, Do It" or “Down, Down!”. He also loves to dance to these songs as well.
He is learning so much everyday and his comprehension is incredible. When asked a question, he answers Yes or No. To our amazement, Isaac knows the words to many familiar songs or books. We started leaving out the last word of songs and books and he new almost all of them. Now if given the chance he chimes in to his favorite songs and books. He currently likes to sing Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus to name a few. He even was able to help sing Happy Birthday to daddy. Favorite book s include Brown Bear Brown Bear, We are Going on a Bear Hunt and Tails.
Isaac is still a great sleeper. He still sleeps with two blankies. We watch 20 minutes of Sesame Street, read him a two to three books, sing him the Barney song, and turn on the Fish/Seahorse/Octopus music machine. Bed time is around 8:00 or 8:30pm. He sleeps well through the night and wakes up around 7:30 or 8:00am.
Isaac is still a great eater as well. He eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and an afternoon snack. He is not picky and will try just about anything we give him. Odd foods that he likes include pickles, onions and mushrooms. His favorite fruits and veggies are probably apples and carrots (with dip of course.)
In the last few months Isaac's vocabulary has quadrupled. He can repeat pretty much everything (so we are really watching what we say). Our favorite things that Isaac says include “thank you mommy/daddy” “Oc-ca …bad dog!” “Kiss it”. We love to watch his little brain conger up a sentence. He sits and thinks for a few seconds and then says something like… “Isaac eat cookie too”.
Favorite words/sayings: "Octopus "Isaac do it" “Daddy all done” (he likes to announce when people are done eating).
He loves rap music, especially Black Eyed Peas. He often sits in his car seat and says..."Do It, Do It, Do It" or “Down, Down!”. He also loves to dance to these songs as well.
He is learning so much everyday and his comprehension is incredible. When asked a question, he answers Yes or No. To our amazement, Isaac knows the words to many familiar songs or books. We started leaving out the last word of songs and books and he new almost all of them. Now if given the chance he chimes in to his favorite songs and books. He currently likes to sing Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Wheels on the Bus to name a few. He even was able to help sing Happy Birthday to daddy. Favorite book s include Brown Bear Brown Bear, We are Going on a Bear Hunt and Tails.
Isaac is still a great sleeper. He still sleeps with two blankies. We watch 20 minutes of Sesame Street, read him a two to three books, sing him the Barney song, and turn on the Fish/Seahorse/Octopus music machine. Bed time is around 8:00 or 8:30pm. He sleeps well through the night and wakes up around 7:30 or 8:00am.
Isaac is still a great eater as well. He eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and an afternoon snack. He is not picky and will try just about anything we give him. Odd foods that he likes include pickles, onions and mushrooms. His favorite fruits and veggies are probably apples and carrots (with dip of course.)
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