Age: 15 months
Weight: 28 lbs 8 oz…90th Percentile
Length: 32 ¾ inches …90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 19 ½ inches… 95th Percentile
Started walking three days before he turned 15 months.
Is a wonderful helper. He loves to help around the house. He tries to sweep, fold laundry, dust and wipe his high-chair tray off.
Can do the motions to "If you are Happy and you know it...", "The wheels on the bus.", and sometimes “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”.
Loves to dance (with pom poms). He wiggles his little body anytime there is music playing. He also loves to put pen caps on and off.
Started using a spoon. (this has been quite messy!)
Currently dislikes peas.
Is very good at responding to directions.
Has finally learned to give closed mouth kisses! It is wonderful to get a kiss goodbye!
Is an excellent sleeper! He is sleeping from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am on weekdays and he usually sleeps until 8:00 or later on weekends.
When asked is able to point to several body parts including belly, head and nose.
Is a man of few words. He currently says mama, dada, more, uh-oh, all done and bye-bye. (We are working on the vocabulary… we got lectured by Dr. Huger at his 15 month exam)
Very goofy, happy and just a wonderful toddler!
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