Age: 15 months
Weight: 28 lbs 8 oz…90th Percentile
Length: 32 ¾ inches …90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 19 ½ inches… 95th Percentile
Started walking three days before he turned 15 months.
Is a wonderful helper. He loves to help around the house. He tries to sweep, fold laundry, dust and wipe his high-chair tray off.
Can do the motions to "If you are Happy and you know it...", "The wheels on the bus.", and sometimes “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”.
Loves to dance (with pom poms). He wiggles his little body anytime there is music playing. He also loves to put pen caps on and off.
Started using a spoon. (this has been quite messy!)
Currently dislikes peas.
Is very good at responding to directions.
Has finally learned to give closed mouth kisses! It is wonderful to get a kiss goodbye!
Is an excellent sleeper! He is sleeping from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am on weekdays and he usually sleeps until 8:00 or later on weekends.
When asked is able to point to several body parts including belly, head and nose.
Is a man of few words. He currently says mama, dada, more, uh-oh, all done and bye-bye. (We are working on the vocabulary… we got lectured by Dr. Huger at his 15 month exam)
Very goofy, happy and just a wonderful toddler!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Welcome to the World, Addyson Lin Seidl
One of my best friends from college, Amber Seidl, gave birth to baby girl, Addyson Lin on February 4th. She weighed in at a healthy 10lbs 7 oz with a length of 22 inches. We hope we can one day soon meet the new little girl!! Congratulations to the Seidl Family! We love you and are so happy for you!
You can see more pictures of Addy on the Seidl blog.

I'm Pooped
For several months now Isaac has only been taking one nap a day at daycare. But at home, he was still taking a morning and afternoon nap (we must be boring or something). We thought it was about time for us to get on the same schedule as daycare. So… Saturday mid-morning Isaac is starting to show signs of sleepiness, but I am determined to keep him up until after his lunch. So I take him to Target to do a little shopping. He was very well behaved but now showing signs of extreme exhaustion. We get home unload the bags and Isaac sits down for lunch. So I think to myself “be efficient…get a chore done while Isaac his eating”. Therefore, I proceed to unload and reload the dishwasher while chatting with I-man. Well, I failed to notice that his chatter stopped before looking over at his high-chair to see this…

Isaac’s First Birthday and the 12 Month Stats
Age: 12 months
Weight: 28 lbs 8oz…90th Percentile
Length: 31 1/2 inches …90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 19 inches… 90th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is currently healthy! Yeah!
Isaac turned one on November 16, 2008. His puppy themed party was celebrated with family and friends. We were so lucky to have relatives from afar join us for this momentous occasion. Thank you to for making the long trip to come see I-man on his big day. Isaac did wonderful with all the commotion but was not at all interested in his cupcake. He took one lick of the frosting and knew he wanted nothing to do with it. This means we didn’t get any good cake pictures… oh well… I’m sure the day will come when he can’t get enough sugar! Here are some pictures from the big event!
Weight: 28 lbs 8oz…90th Percentile
Length: 31 1/2 inches …90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 19 inches… 90th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is currently healthy! Yeah!
Isaac turned one on November 16, 2008. His puppy themed party was celebrated with family and friends. We were so lucky to have relatives from afar join us for this momentous occasion. Thank you to for making the long trip to come see I-man on his big day. Isaac did wonderful with all the commotion but was not at all interested in his cupcake. He took one lick of the frosting and knew he wanted nothing to do with it. This means we didn’t get any good cake pictures… oh well… I’m sure the day will come when he can’t get enough sugar! Here are some pictures from the big event!
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