Sunday, January 18, 2009

Family Update

A lot has happened since our last blog entry. I (Sara) after working three years in the accounting department for Dierbergs Markets made the bold decision to switch career fields. After chairing Dierberg’s main fundraising campaign for the American Heart Association, I learned that I much more enjoyed fundraising and event’s management then I did my everyday accounting job. So in early November I took job as a Foundation Coordinator for a national optometric charity. Thus far, I think it was the right decision and I am truly enjoying the new challenge.
Also since our last blog, Isaac turned one and moved to the toddler room at daycare. It is official, we no longer have a baby! I swear he is growing daily and constantly learning new things. It has been wonderful watching him discover new objects and figuring out how things work. But this new inquisitive toddler is much more of a handful then he ever was before. He is BUSY, BUSY, BUSY getting into pantries, cupboards, drawers etc. Needless to say, Adam and I have some toddler proofing to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isaac is doing great at school - and he's SO CLOSE to walking! His best friend, however, is starting to pick up some bad stomping his feet and crying when he doesn't get his way. Just know that Evan didn't teach Isaac those things!