Monday, November 10, 2008

Aunt Megan... We Love You!

Auntie Megan came to visit last weekend and we had such a wonderful time with her. Meg has only had the pleasure to see Isaac two other times since he was born. So needless to say, Meg was a little shocked to see that the baby she once knew was now a little man! But now that he is a little man, they were able to play together, laugh together and play dress up in her clothes.
Saturday afternoon the four of us went to the Magic House (a local children’s museum). It is a wonderful place, with so much to do and see! Even though the Magic House’s target age group is 0-12, I can’t say who had more fun, Adam or Isaac. We kept loosing Adam because he was getting distracted by all the cool exhibits. The greatest exhibit of all was the “electrostatic generator”. As you can see from Megan's picture above, you touch a electic ball and your hair stands straight up!!!

Not only did Isaac have a wonderful time with his Auntie, but I also had a fantastic time with my little sister. She is someone I don’t get to spend a lot of time with, but when we do have time together, I love every minute of it! (even if it meant trying Sushi!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara, Adam, and Isaac! I had the best time visiting you. Thanks again for letting me stay and spending time with the little one :) And Sara- when you come to visit, we are getting sushi again!