Friday, September 5, 2008

“Grammy, my first visit, no toys… my second visit, the closet?!?!”

The last weekend of August just Isaac and I (Sara) made the trip to Grammy’s. We flew (yes... we flew) out to the Big-O on Thursday night. With a two hour delay I can’t say that Isaac could have been any better. We were very lucky to sit next to a nice older gentleman that helped me with our bags and even played a little with Isaac. When we arrived to the airport and were walking up the terminal, we could see both Grammy and Grandma JuJu standing on their tippy toes peeking over the hill anxiously awaiting Isaac’s (I am not sure they even noticed I was there too) arrival. And luckily Isaac had a few smiles for them before eating and cashing out for the evening.
Friday we played all day with all of Isaac’s grandparents. In the morning, Isaac played with PaPa and Grammy. This time she had lots of toys, some old and some new. In the mid-afternoon GG & GG West arrive and Isaac played maracas. (Thanks for the gift… Isaac loves these things but I think AB and I like the more). Then Isaac and I headed over to Grandpa Roger’s office to have a little play time with the Breed’s. Isaac helped Grandpa answer important phone calls and read significant memos. Later in the evening, we got to visit with GG Lanik. It was a special weekend for me and I-man because it isn’t often that either of us get to see all of the grandparents! It was wonderful!
Saturday, Isaac spent the majority of the morning sleeping in the closet. Yes, he slept in the closet… a walk in closet… that we made into his own little bedroom. I think he liked it because he slept better in the closet than he sleeps at home in his own crib. Later that day, I-man and I attended Zach Thompson’s first birthday. It was a joy to see my best friend Karrie and some old friends from high school. Isaac also got a preview of what is soon to come….CAKE!!!
Sunday we vegged and played again before heading home to see daddy. AB met as at the airport and just from the expression on his face you could tell that he missed his little dude.

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