Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our Day at the Pediatric ER

Isaac and I had an eventful day yesterday. The day started with a routine re-check of his ears, Dr. Huger wanted to verify the ear infections had gone away (which they hadn’t). While we were at her office she noticed that Isaac was wheezing again. They checked his oxygen level and breaths per minutes. His oxygen levels were low and his breathing was elevated. We did two breathing treatments and a shot of steroids at her office. After two hours, Dr. Huger felt that our little man wasn’t progressing as he should and it would be best for us to visit the ER. So I-man and I did just that... already feeling like the worst mom ever not knowing my kiddo is sick but now we were headed to the ER and without any toys or diapers. Luckily the hospital had an abundant supply of diapers, wipes and food for Isaac. They didn’t have any toys but they did have nasal aspirators… which Isaac liked just as much! The remainder of the afternoon, Isaac was poked and prodded including another chest x-ray, three more breathing treatments, and blood cultures. The chest x-ray showed signed of inflammation which the ER doc said was normal for is condition but is also a sign of Asthma. We won’t receive the blood testing results until early next week. Surprisingly Isaac handled all of these tests extremely well (ok… there was a little screaming when the IV was put in…but I don’t like being poked by a needle either). Isaac did his best giving his “I’m too cute” smile to all the nurses and docs, so many of them stayed in the room longer then needed just to play with him. We finally were able to go home around 4pm. Isaac has to start his breathing treatments all over again along steroids and an antibiotic. Our house is becoming quite the pharmacy! Overall the day was long, with not a lot of answers, but Isaac sure did look super cute in his miniature hospital gown.

(I had to take these pics with my cell phone so they are a little small.)

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