Friday, June 27, 2008

Smarty Pants

Isaac has learned the “How can I get get this done, doing the least amount of work?” attitude from his father.

Why crawl when you can just pull the blanket...he is one logical kiddo!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our Day at the Pediatric ER

Isaac and I had an eventful day yesterday. The day started with a routine re-check of his ears, Dr. Huger wanted to verify the ear infections had gone away (which they hadn’t). While we were at her office she noticed that Isaac was wheezing again. They checked his oxygen level and breaths per minutes. His oxygen levels were low and his breathing was elevated. We did two breathing treatments and a shot of steroids at her office. After two hours, Dr. Huger felt that our little man wasn’t progressing as he should and it would be best for us to visit the ER. So I-man and I did just that... already feeling like the worst mom ever not knowing my kiddo is sick but now we were headed to the ER and without any toys or diapers. Luckily the hospital had an abundant supply of diapers, wipes and food for Isaac. They didn’t have any toys but they did have nasal aspirators… which Isaac liked just as much! The remainder of the afternoon, Isaac was poked and prodded including another chest x-ray, three more breathing treatments, and blood cultures. The chest x-ray showed signed of inflammation which the ER doc said was normal for is condition but is also a sign of Asthma. We won’t receive the blood testing results until early next week. Surprisingly Isaac handled all of these tests extremely well (ok… there was a little screaming when the IV was put in…but I don’t like being poked by a needle either). Isaac did his best giving his “I’m too cute” smile to all the nurses and docs, so many of them stayed in the room longer then needed just to play with him. We finally were able to go home around 4pm. Isaac has to start his breathing treatments all over again along steroids and an antibiotic. Our house is becoming quite the pharmacy! Overall the day was long, with not a lot of answers, but Isaac sure did look super cute in his miniature hospital gown.

(I had to take these pics with my cell phone so they are a little small.)

Monday, June 23, 2008


This is a first for us as parents…

(click on the pic to enlarge to read)

We arrived at daycare last Thursday to be informed that Isaac had been bitten. Boy, were we surprised! But come to find out, after telling co-workers this story, apparently biting is all far too common. Here a few pics of the where his “friend” left his incisor signature!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Seventh Month Montage

Age: 7 months
Weight: 21.5 lbs
Length: 29 ¾ inches
Health Report: Isaac is still battling his ear infections but is definitely getting better.
* These stats were measured by mom and dad because we didn’t have to have a Wellness Exam.

Isaac is beginning too… have stranger anxiety, show first signs of separation anxiety, scoot, stand with assistance, look for a hidden object, play peek-a-boo, show interest in mommy and daddy’s food and recognize object performance (i.e. if I spin this toy it will make funny noises).

Isaac has mastered… sitting unassisted, dragging objects towards himself(stretches his long body as far as he can to get the toy), passing toys from hand to hand, patty-cake (clapping) and giving Hi-Five’s.

Isaac loves… Baby Einstein videos, his BFF Evan (KinderCare buddy), explore by scooting, pretty much any type of food, games such as “Upside down Baby”, “Flying Baby” and “Falling Baby”.

Isaac currently dislikes… waiting for mom and/or dad to make dinner.

Names we call him… I-man, Bud and Stink Butt.

Proud Parents…It just keeps getting better and better! I-man is so much fun…even during teething (Isaac had his first 2 teeth appear this month) and ear infections. He is really starting to pick up on things. This month he learned to clap, and then that is all he would do for several days. The incessant clapping and shaking his head “NOOOOO” has kept us giggling on several occasions.
While he is usually so much fun, he has started a new habit… his first (of many, I’m sure) temper tantrum, meaning he has realized that if he cries he gets a response from mom and dad. QUICK LEARNER!!! These crying spells usually occur when we put him in his highchair for meals. Why you ask… we aren’t sure either. It’s not like we have ever made his food and then taunted him and not actually given him the food. What a funny kid!
Besides the temper tantrum spells, Isaac is pretty even keeled (Much like is father) and just a joy to be around.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Patty Cake... Patty Cake

Isaac's new favorite activity...

Monday, June 9, 2008

“Grammy, these aren’t toys… these are kitchen utensils!”

Adam, Isaac and I made the trek to good ole Omaha three weekend’s ago. (Yes I know… this post is long overdue!) We were able to spend almost 4 whole days there. We drove in Friday morning stopping at Henry Doorly. See below to see how much I-man liked his first trip to the zoo. We thought he would absolutely love the zoo… but apparently we were way wrong. Realistically, he did really well being that it was cold and rainy!

Saturday Adam spent the day golfing with friends while Isaac and I celebrated Aunty Meg’s graduation. Sunday morning Isaac was baptized at Peace Presbyterian (where AB and I were married). Isaac did AWESOME! He didn’t fuss once! We spent the remainder of the day in company of family and friends.

Monday morning we had family pictures taken. Later Monday AB golfed while Isaac and I made some visits to good friends. Isaac even got to play with someone his own size for awhile. (Thanks Zach for sharing your toys!)

Then thanks to Grammy West and Grandma Judy, I was able to have some adult time and went shopping with Aunty Meg for her new “teacher clothes” and big kid apartment items. I think Isaac enjoyed his time in Omaha, although Grammy didn’t have any toys… she had kitchen utensils! Isaac didn’t care; he thought the spatula was the greatest toy ever!

We made the long drive back to STL on Tuesday. It was great to be home and spend time with family and friends.