Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Fourth Month Montage

Age: 4 months
Weight: 16 pounds 7 ounces…85th Percentile
Length: 26 ½ inches…90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 16 inches…60th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is finally healthy. We are not currently battling any colds or flues. YEAH! Although, we have recently discovered that Isaac is definitely a carrier of sickness as he doesn’t necessarily get sick himself, but he sure does spread the germs to mom and dad.

Isaac is beginning too… roll over (one way), laugh on purpose and this past weekend he started on rice cereal.

Isaac has mastered… sitting with assistance, blowing bubbles, following moving objects, grasping items, turning toward noises, turning head when someone walks into the room and usually TUMMY TIME!

Isaac loves…his new Bumbo seat, his Eminem Rapping Bear (Thank you to G&G West…this bear has become a life-saver), his Baby Einstein Music Duck, taking evening walks, bath time, Oscar, nightly story time and pretty much anything that he can grab and stick in his mouth (including mom’s sweatshirt ties).

Isaac currently dislikes…rice cereal and Oscar.

Names we call him… Tank, Little Buddha, Little Man, Munchkin, Bud, and Little Bugger.

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