Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The First Month Montage

We got this wonderful idea from our friends Ryan and Kristy…each month we will post his stats, what Isaac is begging to do, his likes/dislikes, etc., along with a selection of our favorite pictures from the month. We hope you enjoy!

Age: 1 month
Weight: 11 lbs 13 oz...95th percentile
Length: 25 1/2 inches...95th percentile
Head Circumference: 15 1/2 inches...75th percentile
Health Report: Overall, Isaac is in good health. Obviously, he does not have an underweight problem. Dr. Huger is a little concerned about his left hip, so Isaac will have an ultrasound on Jan 3rd.

Isaac is beginning too…follow objects with his eyes, lift his head when on tummy to look at mom/dad and smirk/smile.

Isaac has mastered…spitting up after meals and burping.

Isaac loves…his crib, snuggling with mom/dad for naps, Oscar kisses, his Glider seat, his mobile, and surprisingly bath time.

Isaac currently dislikes…diaper changes.

Names we call him…sweetheart, fussy face, stinky bum, little man and snuggle bum.

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