Thursday, March 27, 2008

R.I.P Baby Toupee

For such a cute baby, poor Isaac has some really funny hair… long on top, short on the sides, receding hair line, with calicks everywhere and just a little bit of curl. This sweet hairstyle – The Baby Toupee as it has been named in our house- takes after his dad. And poor AB was made fun of his entire life for having the buzz cut for 18 years – but now I know why. So Sunday night, Isaac had his first haircut…R.I.P Baby Toupee.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Flood of 2008

For those of you who haven’t heard, much of St. Louis and the surrounding areas have been under a flood attack over the past few days. At the heart of much of this is our little town of Fenton, MO. Our main route to work has been completely shut down and, as Sara can attest, travel has been slightly interrupted. (she had a nice 3 hour commute home on Thursday!) As devastating as this has been for the area, flood watching has become quite the tourist attraction for many, including us. Below, you can find pictures of some of the havoc that this has created.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Fourth Month Montage

Age: 4 months
Weight: 16 pounds 7 ounces…85th Percentile
Length: 26 ½ inches…90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 16 inches…60th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is finally healthy. We are not currently battling any colds or flues. YEAH! Although, we have recently discovered that Isaac is definitely a carrier of sickness as he doesn’t necessarily get sick himself, but he sure does spread the germs to mom and dad.

Isaac is beginning too… roll over (one way), laugh on purpose and this past weekend he started on rice cereal.

Isaac has mastered… sitting with assistance, blowing bubbles, following moving objects, grasping items, turning toward noises, turning head when someone walks into the room and usually TUMMY TIME!

Isaac loves…his new Bumbo seat, his Eminem Rapping Bear (Thank you to G&G West…this bear has become a life-saver), his Baby Einstein Music Duck, taking evening walks, bath time, Oscar, nightly story time and pretty much anything that he can grab and stick in his mouth (including mom’s sweatshirt ties).

Isaac currently dislikes…rice cereal and Oscar.

Names we call him… Tank, Little Buddha, Little Man, Munchkin, Bud, and Little Bugger.

Friday, March 14, 2008

And A Ponytail It Is...

I have come to the conclusion that I will be wearing no earrings, no glasses, and a ponytail from this point forward. If it’s not my hair, it’s my glasses, if it’s not my glasses, it’s my earrings. Mr. Handsy, is grabbing everything within in his reach. (And of course putting right into his mouth) While I try to escape his deadly grip, Isaac is overly pleased with himself showing that he has discovered that those little digits were actually made for something other than sucking on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ode to Aunt Nadine

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Adam's Great Aunt Nadine Breed. She was recently diagnosed with cancer but up until lately she lived a rich and fulfilling life. She was a quirky old lady that always sent the best/strangest greeting cards and gifts. For instance, Isaac received Alien Slippers. But this is one of the reasons we loved her so much! She lived in Emeryville, California and was 77 years old. She will be forever missed!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome to the World, Baby River Lucia

River Lucia Breed-Carithers was born healthy at home on March 8 to Monica and Chris Carithers. She weighed in at 7lbs 10oz and measured 20 inches long. Congratulations to the Breed-Carithers family. We can’t wait to meet the new beautiful baby girl!