Monday, January 7, 2008

Doctors and a Gold Star for Sara

Today, I had my six week postpartum checkup (even though it has been a little over seven weeks), and per my OB’s words, I appear to be recovering as I should be after giving birth to 9 lb + baby. After gaining 40+ pounds, I was relatively pleased with the weight loss. I am 5lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and 15lbs from my “gym” weight. Right before AB and I got pregnant I was making regular visits to our local gym. The week we found out we were pregnant I immediately canceled that stupid gym membership. The exact opposite of what the doctor prescribed but I thought being pregnant was the best excuse to quit the silly gym. I would be pleased to loose another 10lbs of “the leftovers” (as AB calls it) but I am sure that won’t be until I have the time and energy to join the gym again.
Our pediatrician is becoming like family to me, AB, and Isaac. We revisited the pediatrician again today and we will be there again next week. Dr. Huger wanted to take another listen to Isaac’s lungs after being diagnosed with RSV. She thought he was doing much better and should recuperate within the next couple weeks. The tricky thing about RSV is that it last for three to four weeks. BUMMER!!! She also complemented me on my calmness that I had the other day when she told me that I would need to take Isaac to the emergency room. She was rather impressed that a first time mom did as well as I did. In Adam’s word, she gave me a GOLD STAR!

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