Thursday, January 31, 2008

"It's A Mom Thing"

I have definitely turned into a mom. When leaving the dentist yesterday morning, I went to pull out my mittens from my coat pocket but instead of mittens what did I find… a binky, plastic car keys and a rattle. The receptionist just kind of giggled and said “What else are you carrying in there? And my response was “Apparently not mittens!” She laughed and said “It’s a mom thing, from this point forward you will never have anything you need but you will always have what they need.”

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Only in STL...

Only in St. Louis do you see this…

Today Hi: 70°
Jan 29 2008 Lo: 15°

Where in the world can you go for a walk in a t-shirt and jeans in the morning and need a ski coat, hat and mittens at night? Before it turned to down right bitter cold here, Isaac, Oscar and I went for our first walk without AB. I was very proud of myself! (It isn’t easy to walk Oscar unaided let alone with a stroller and baby in tote. )

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Second Month Montage

Age: 2 month
Weight:13 pounds 13 ounces…90th Percentile
Length: 25 ½ inches…95th Percentile
Head Circumference: 15 inches…75th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is still recovering from RSV, but is much better now than he was a couple of weeks ago. Dr. Huger was a little disappointed with Isaac’s head/neck control. When she flipped him on his tummy, he just laid there and was about to fall asleep. She ordered triple the amount of tummy time.

Isaac is beginning too… lift his head when on tummy

Isaac has mastered… cooing and smiling at mommy/daddy and sleeping through the night. (atleast 7 hours... YEAH!)

Isaac loves…cooing at mommy, his crib mobile and his gym.

Isaac currently dislikes…TUMMY TIME.

Names we call him…Toots McGee, little man , snuggle bum and Isaac torpedo. My cousin Nate nicknamed Isaac “Tank”. It is such a fitting nickname that it just might stick.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just Like His Mother

Everyone keeps asking who Isaac looks like. Up until lately, we didn’t think he looked like either of us until my mom and dad gave us a few of my baby pictures. We now at least see a little

But as for Isaac’s temperament, he is just like is mother … we will talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime…even if they don’t talk back. Turn up your volume and you can hear Isaac talk to his fishy! (Oh, and I hope you are not motion sick because he is sitting in his swing.)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Doctors and a Gold Star for Sara

Today, I had my six week postpartum checkup (even though it has been a little over seven weeks), and per my OB’s words, I appear to be recovering as I should be after giving birth to 9 lb + baby. After gaining 40+ pounds, I was relatively pleased with the weight loss. I am 5lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and 15lbs from my “gym” weight. Right before AB and I got pregnant I was making regular visits to our local gym. The week we found out we were pregnant I immediately canceled that stupid gym membership. The exact opposite of what the doctor prescribed but I thought being pregnant was the best excuse to quit the silly gym. I would be pleased to loose another 10lbs of “the leftovers” (as AB calls it) but I am sure that won’t be until I have the time and energy to join the gym again.
Our pediatrician is becoming like family to me, AB, and Isaac. We revisited the pediatrician again today and we will be there again next week. Dr. Huger wanted to take another listen to Isaac’s lungs after being diagnosed with RSV. She thought he was doing much better and should recuperate within the next couple weeks. The tricky thing about RSV is that it last for three to four weeks. BUMMER!!! She also complemented me on my calmness that I had the other day when she told me that I would need to take Isaac to the emergency room. She was rather impressed that a first time mom did as well as I did. In Adam’s word, she gave me a GOLD STAR!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Finally Some Good News

Isaac had his hip ultrasound this morning and everything looks great. There are no signs of hip dysplasia. YEAH!!! Finally some good news for the little bugger. Isaac has been a definite trooper the past few days with all those Dr.’s poking and prodding him. He is such a good little guy! We are so proud of him.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Work...Or So We Thought!

Today, Adam was supposed to return to work after his six week paternity leave. Yep, you heard right, Adam’s company offers six weeks of paid leave for fathers!!! So today was his first day back since Isaac was born and I was a little nervous about being home all alone for more than a couple of hours. Well, he was only there for two hours before I was calling and telling him to meet me at the emergency room. Everything is fine but after meeting with the pediatrician this morning, Dr. Huger wanted Isaac to get a chest x-ray along with an RSV test. His chest x-rays came out clear but he did test positive for RSV. (RSV is basically a really bad cold. An adult could have it and not even know) There isn’t an antibiotic for this virus for such a little guy, so Adam, Isaac and I just basically have to wait for it to pass. Adam and I do have the pleasure of putting saline drops in Isaac’s nose and then using the bugger sucker to extract all the mucus from his sinuses. It is pretty disgusting what can all come out of there. For such a sick little guy, Isaac has remained relatively calm. (More calm than mommy…although I will have to say that I held it together pretty well, if I do say so myself) Isaac and I will be at the hospital again tomorrow for his hip ultrasound but hopefully I won’t be calling Adam and he can get back to work.

On a side note… Isaac slept through the night last night for the first time!!! 8 hours!!! Let’s hope it’s not a fluke.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas was worth the long trip...

Well, we made it from St. Louis to Omaha and back again with a dog and a sick baby and it was definitely worth it. We were able to celebrate the holiday with our family and friends and we enjoyed every minute of it.
We spent several days with my (Sara) family. Isaac was able to meet the grandparents, aunt and uncle, cousins, second cousins, great aunts and uncles… all of which Adam still can’t keep straight. (I have to admit my family tree is a little confusing) We were all able to enjoy each others company and even play a little poker. The West family celebrated Christmas on Sunday and Isaac definitely made out with the most gifts.
Adam also got a great gift too. This year I was actually trying to get Adam a gift and it be a surprise but as always Adam caught me red handed. (I need to learn to be a little sneakier) Adam has been complaining about his cell phone for quite some time now and he wanted to buy a new palm pilot phone but they are pretty pricey so of course he would never actually go and purchase it. So, I thought as a surprise, I would go get him this phone that he liked. Well, long story short while my dad and I were in the Sprint store working up an elaborate plan with the salesman in walks Adam. BUSTED!!! So once again, I was not able to surprise Adam but on the bright side I didn’t have to wrap his gifts. (He was with me when I purchased his other gift).
Everyone on both sides of the family received Web cams. This will allow the grandparents to see baby Isaac and the other grandchildren as often as they please. We were able to test out the web cams on Christmas morning and talk with my brother Brian and his wife Erin. They even gave us a tour of their new home in Houston. We were sad that we didn’t get to spend Christmas with them but it was great to see them via the web.

On Christmas Eve, we made the trip to Lincoln to celebrate the Breed family Christmas. It has been tradition for the Breed family to meet in Lincoln and go out to dinner, then to church and then over to Great Grandpa and Grandma Breed’s for the gift exchange. Well, this is the tradition that I had heard so much about but never participated in. Surprisingly after Adam and I being together for 8 years I have never been to the Breed family Christmas. It was as wonderful as the stories I had heard (even if it was a little modified from the original ritual). I also got to see Great Grandpa and Grandma Breed’s house for the first time. Again, I had heard so much about it but never have actually seen it. It smelled (good) and looked just as described. We spent Christmas day again with the Breed’s and were able to watch our twin nieces (age: 16 months) open their presents. They are at just the age where the wrapping paper is just as much fun as the actual gift.
We spent the remainder of the week visiting with other family and friends. We even had our first baby sitter so we could make an appearance at the Kirby Christmas kegger. Adam hadn’t played flippy cup in awhile…so he was a little rusty. For those of you that we did get to see, it was a pleasure and for those that we didn’t we hope that we can get together the next time we are in town.