Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4 cities + 6 different beds + delayed and late flights = Best Baby Ever

The Breed Family summer vacation this year was a trip to Nebraska and Colorado. Adam's cousin, Ally, got married in Boulder this past July so we thought we would make a family trip out it. I am not sure we really thought the plan through before we were actually went through with it. First, we flew to Omaha. Our flight was delayed for three hours because our plane was stuck by lighting (yes, you read that right ... lighting!). We then spent three days in Omaha visiting family and friends. We were able to see my best friends from college and their beautiful children. Isaac and Zach had a great time playing while Addy watched from afar. After Omaha, Adam's parents, their dog, and the three of us packed into the van and drove to Kearney. We spent one night in Kearney and then drove the rest of the way to Colorado. We spent the next two days hiking, swimming and enjoying the beautiful scenery. We then headed to Boulder for a beautiful wedding. Ally and Ival both looked amazing (even in the rain). The last day we spent in Denver with my sister and our good family friends. We had an amazing time just enjoying each other's company. After all we put Isaac through, he did absolutely wonderful. Never did he pitch a fit but just enjoyed the trip as much as we did!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Heart Swimming!

At the beginning of this summer, Isaac was deathly afraid of the water. But now he is a little fish! Check out how much fun we had at the pool!