Monday, October 27, 2008

The Eleventh Month Montage

Age: 11 months
Weight: 24 lbs 13 oz
Length: 31 ½ inches
Health Report: Battling a cold of course, but overall Isaac is doing well.

Isaac is beginning too… develop his fine motor skills, play peek-a-boo, put objects into a container and understand “no” and simple instructions (now as to whether he follows these instructions is another story. )
Isaac has mastered… pulling himself up to standing, cruise along the couch and walk with assistance, eating with fingers, drinking from a sippy cup, picking things up with fingers, and STAIRS!!!
Isaac loves… testing his mom and dad with the dog food, going up the stairs, cruising along the couch.
Isaac currently dislikes… nothing. Right now he is pretty happy!
Names we call him… I-man, Little Dude and Big Guy.
Proud Parents: Again, this month was so much fun! Isaac learned so much this month. He is jabbering a lot but there hasn’t been anymore words besides mama, dada and uh-oh.
Also, he is always practicing his new skills from standing, cruising, clapping, “touchdown”, peek-a-boo and blowing kisses. Unfortunately, now that Isaac is mobile it is much harder to get a good picture but we were able to get a few videos of his recent achievements. As you will see, we are still working on peek-a-boo. It has been a real joy watching him grow up and learn new things each and every day.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Laughter is the best medicine!

I-man's New Do

Isaac had his first hair cut since the death of the baby toupee. He went from looking like a little baby to a little man. When did my baby grow up? Here are some pictures from the big event!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fight Club

Isaac and I are having our first fight and I am not sure who is winning. Isaac has recently discovered the dog food and he will do anything in this power to get to that dang dog bowl. It is actually quite impressive that he remembers exactly where it is everyday of the week. I know this because anytime you put him on the floor he starts heading directly for it. He could be in his room (which is at least 30 feet away) and he knows where exactly to go. Not only does he know where to go but as soon as he rounds the kitchen island and the bowl is in sight… he speeds up!!! So… over and over we have to tell him “No-No” but thus far this tactic does not seem to be working. Instead of listening, he does this whiney cry of disgust because his mean parents won’t let him eat the dog food. (of course, Oscar could care less!). Everyday we have this fight and started to think “Oh no… what are we going to do?” Luckily, I recently read an article that said the following:
“Your baby now understands simple instructions, though she may purposely choose to ignore you when you say "no." (To help the word carry a little more weight, use it sparingly, for setting important limits.) Even though your baby may not always remember tomorrow what you've said today, it's not too soon to set certain boundaries and start teaching her some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe. Her desire to explore is stronger than her desire to listen to your warnings, so it's up to you to protect and teach her. What seems to be defiance is just her natural curiosity to see how the world works.”
This article is what is keeping us going. Hopefully one day (soon) he will realize that we are not mean parents because we don’t want him to eat dog food and our first fight will be over!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Recent Discoveries

Isaac had become very attentive and inquisitive lately. He wants to see and learn about everything. His most recent discoveries are the kitchen appliances. Currently, he seems to very interested in the dishwasher and refrigerator…so much he is climbing into them!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

3 Year Anniversary

Adam and I have now been married for over three years. So… to celebrate, I actually surprised him with a weekend get-away. Can you believe it? I actually surprised my husband for the first time in 9 years! The get-away was only to Kansas City but we had a wonderful time. We drove to KC on Friday night and stayed at my dad’s apartment. We enjoyed breakfast with my parents on Saturday morning and then we left the little man with Grammy and Papa for almost two days. (This is a big achievement for me!) Adam and I packed as many activities into two days that you possibly could because it isn’t often that we have the opportunity to go out as adults. So… Saturday afternoon we went golfing. To say the least, I was a little rusty. I hadn’t been golfing since before I was pregnant so I would say that my 55 wasn’t all too bad. We then headed over to the hotel for a couples massage. It was WONDERFUL!!! We both needed a little relaxation. Later, Saturday evening we watched the Huskers lose to Virginia Tech while enjoying good food and a few beers. We were even able to meet up with the VanAnne’s for a little reunion. (Brooke and Dax recently moved to the KC area… we were very sad to have the leave STL.) We returned back to the hotel later that evening to enjoy a little relaxation, or a.k.a. sleep!!! In our defense, we are old, we were tired… and we can do anything we want on our get-away weekend!
We were really excited to sleep in on Sunday morning and not wake up to a crying baby but that is exactly what we woke up to… IRONIC? The kiddo next door was screaming bloody murder. It was great! Sunday afternoon we spent in Arrowhead stadium watching the pitiful Chiefs beat Adam’s beloved Bronco’s. AB had a ruff weekend with his favorite sports teams! Even with the losses, we had a great time. We met my parents and Isaac for dinner. Everyone enjoyed the pizza and good conversation. After putting Isaac to bed, Adam and I caught a movie, which we haven’t been able to do for months… and luckily it was a great movie! We were so lucky to have my parents watch Isaac for the entire weekend. (By the way, we love you… thank you so much for everything!!!)
Although Adam and I had fun, I think Grammy, Papa and Isaac had an even better time. They ate, played, laughed and just enjoyed being around one another!