Age: 11 months
Weight: 24 lbs 13 oz
Length: 31 ½ inches
Health Report: Battling a cold of course, but overall Isaac is doing well.
Isaac is beginning too… develop his fine motor skills, play peek-a-boo, put objects into a container and understand “no” and simple instructions (now as to whether he follows these instructions is another story. )
Isaac has mastered… pulling himself up to standing, cruise along the couch and walk with assistance, eating with fingers, drinking from a sippy cup, picking things up with fingers, and STAIRS!!!
Isaac loves… testing his mom and dad with the dog food, going up the stairs, cruising along the couch.
Isaac currently dislikes… nothing. Right now he is pretty happy!
Names we call him… I-man, Little Dude and Big Guy.
Proud Parents: Again, this month was so much fun! Isaac learned so much this month. He is jabbering a lot but there hasn’t been anymore words besides mama, dada and uh-oh.
Also, he is always practicing his new skills from standing, cruising, clapping, “touchdown”, peek-a-boo and blowing kisses. Unfortunately, now that Isaac is mobile it is much harder to get a good picture but we were able to get a few videos of his recent achievements. As you will see, we are still working on peek-a-boo. It has been a real joy watching him grow up and learn new things each and every day.