Thursday, May 29, 2008

Breed Boot Camp

AB always gave me grief about making I-man do his tummy time. He teased me about being a drill sergeant and not leaving the poor kid alone…but as you can see from the video below Breed Boot Camp was a success! Isaac loves playing on his tummy now!

(The video is a little long but you get the point.)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Sixth Month Montage

6 months
Weight: 19 lbs 7 oz…80th Percentile
Length: 28 inches …90th Percentile
Head Circumference: 17 ¼ inches… 50th Percentile
Health Report: Isaac is still battling his cold but is definitely getting better. Dr. Huger noticed an abnormality with his eyes… so we will be seeing an Optomologist the first part of June.

Isaac is beginning too… sit unassisted, (but topples over often), work to pick up an object (he will grunt and push until he gets whatever he has his eye on) and put some weight on his legs.

Isaac has mastered… rolling over in both directions (and he’s fast too!),

Isaac loves… to give open mouth slobbery kisses to mommy, pull his socks off, put his toes in his mouth, his Jump-a-Roo, his gym, anything that he can put in his mouth and Oscar.

Isaac currently dislikes… green veggies. (but he still eats them anyways!)

Names we call him… I-man, Little One, and Big Guy.

Proud Parents…This was such a fantastic month. It seems like he has grown so much in just four weeks. At 5 months he could roll but sometimes he would forget how… now he can go from one side of the room to the other. He also decided last Friday (on his 6 month b-day) that he was ready to sit…with out mommy’s or the boppy’s help. AMAZING! It is just so cool that one day he can’t do something and then the next he decides he can and he will. He is so smart! And just a wonderful baby too! He is developing his own little personality… which is so fun to watch bloom. Everyday is just so much fun with him!

Isaac and Oscar... Best Buds!

Isaac is completely fascinated with Oscar. He just seems to think Oscar is his best buddy. (Oscar is really the only one who can get Isaac to laugh) Isaac loves to pet him, pull on his face and ears. But most of all he loves Oscar kisses! I know I shouldn’t let the dog lick the baby but it is ridiculously hard to stop Isaac and Oscar from teasing each other. I will tell one “no”, he will stop but then the other starts teasing. I have given up… I think it’s good that they are buddies!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Isaac's 2nd Play Date with Dax

Isaac had his 2nd play date with Dax a couple of weekends ago. It seemed to go much better than the first… instead of both babies just sitting in their chairs, this time Isaac beat on Dax’s head! (Don't worry VanAnnes...we protected Dax!)

Monday, May 19, 2008

College Graduate... I can't believe it!

How old are we? Sara’s little sis has graduated college! (I remember the day she was born.) We want to say congratulations to Megan on her graduation! She graduated with honors in four years with a BS in Psychology. (Smarty pants!!! She always has been!) Now… like the rest of us she must enter the real world…get a big kid her own bills…etc. She has made the first step to becoming a big kid by accepting a job with Teach For America. Congrats Megan… We are so proud of you! We love you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

State Champs!

We want to say congratulations to Judy (Adam’s mom) and her Class B Girl’s Soccer State Champions! Judy and her girls beat Skutt 1-0 in a shootout. We are sure Judy was ecstatic not only to win State two years in a row, but also to avenge their loss to Skutt. Congrats Judy! We are so happy for you!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Poor Isaac... But What A Little Trooper

Our little Isaac has yet another sickness. In just 5 ½ months poor Isaac has had RSV, the stomach flu, a sinus infection, a weird rash and now a common cold. Thank goodness we chose a great pediatrician. We see Dr. Huger more than we see the grandparents! She is becoming family. Long story short, we have seen her three times in the last month with two more visits scheduled for the next week. Basically, two weeks ago I brought him in because I thought he had caught my cold. Dr. Huger took one look in his nose and throat and we were immediately taking Amoxicillin. Well… the following Saturday (it never fails that something goes wrong when the Dr.’s office isn’t open) while AB was at a golf tournament, Isaac awoke from his afternoon nap with red dots on his face. These dots continued to spread … which totally freaked me out! After a phone call to the nurses’ hotline, a trip to Dr. Huger’s and to a dermatologist we have come to the conclusion that the rash could be one of three things…Fifth Disease or an allergic or non-allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin. Either way none of these rashes are treated by anything other than waiting it out. So poor Isaac was spotted for a few days. Then Friday afternoon I made yet another trip to Dr. Huger’s thinking that his sinus infection just hadn’t cleared but apparently the cold moved to his chest along with some major gunk in his ears. So, after Isaac had his ears blasted out (which was totally disgusting) and received a breathing treatment I returned home with three medications and a nebulizer. After all this, Isaac is such a trooper! Not once has he fussed! (He handles sickness much better than his daddy!) Hopefully soon, we will be clear of all the sicknesses and having fun in the summer sun.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Dear Lord...Why did you create green veggies?"

A Big Thank You!

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to those that donated to the American Heart Association. Your generous contribution helped me surpass my goal and do my part to fight heart disease and stroke. Because of your kindness we were able to raise $750.00. Unfortunately I only cruised for the 1 mile route, because my wonderful mom forgot to check the weather before she took me to the park. It was down right CHILLY… definitely too cold to pop a wheelie in the new stroller! But this wonderful cause was worth it.
Thanks again for your support of the American Heart Association and my personal efforts in the Heart Walk.
Love –
Isaac (and my smart mommy too!)