Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Next Tiger Woods

Dreaming of the Master's...

The Fifth Month Montage

Age: 5 months
Weight: 18lbs 6 oz
Length: 28 inches *
Health Report: Isaac is currently battling a sinus infection but at least he gets to eat some bumble gum flavored Amoxicillin.
* The length was measured by mom and dad because we didn’t have to have a Wellness Exam at 5 months.

Isaac is beginning too… roll over (from back to belly), play with one toy for a long period of time, laughing on purpose.

Isaac has mastered… rolling over (back to belly – NO MORE TUMMY TIME!!!) sitting with assistance, grasping objects up that are in front of him (links or a small stuffed animal) and swing/swat/grab hanging objects.

Isaac loves… to give open mouth slobbery kisses to mommy, anything that is bright and colorful, squash, the daycares Exersaucer, bath time, pull his socks off, put his toes in his mouth, his new Jump-a-Roo (Thanks GG & GG West and Great Grandma Lanik) , his umbrella stroller and Oscar kisses. (Isaac is extremely fascinated with Oscar right now.)

Isaac currently dislikes… nothing! He is a pretty happy baby!

Names we call him… Tank, I-man, Chunk-a-Dunk, and Little One.

Proud Parents…Isaac is such a wonderful baby. He sleeps thorough the night (roughly 7 pm – 6am), he rarely fusses, and he just goes with the flow. We just love being with him. He makes us laugh and smile everyday with his goofy smiles or funny noises. He is growing up so fast. While I miss the newborn cuddling stage, Isaac is so much fun now. We can play and laugh together. He makes us proud constantly learning and mastering new skills such as rolling over. (What am I going to do when he says his first word, or better yet graduates college). We love you Isaac!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yummy Yummy In My Tummy

It is said that when introducing your children to solid foods you should include foods that you don’t necessarily like. It’s a good thing we did… mommy & daddy say YUCKY squash… Isaac says…

Yummy Yummy In My Tummy!

Monday, April 7, 2008

American Heart Walk 2008

Hi All!

Everyone knows someone affected by heart disease or stroke. For those I love, I will be walking (well riding…mom will have to do the manual labor) in this year’s Start! Heart Walk. I thought this would be the perfect use for my fancy new umbrella stroller! I have set a personal goal to raise $600.00 for the American Heart Association and need your help to reach my donation goal. We are raising critical dollars for heart disease and stroke research and education. You can help me reach my goal by making a donation online. Click on the link below and you will be taken to my personal donation page (mom even put a cute picture of us on it) where you can make a secure online credit card donation. The American Heart Association's online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you prefer to donate less, you can do so by sending a check directly to my mom.Your donation will help fight our nation’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers—heart disease and stroke. You are making a difference. Thank you for your support.Love – Isaac(P.S. My mom thanks you too!)************************************************************************

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Little Perspective

Because a lot of you that read our blog are not familiar with the St. Louis area, we thought we should give you a little perspective of how amazing the flood really was.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Isaac's Day with Grammy

Here is the letter I received when I returned home from work yesterday... apparently Isaac (who my mom calls BoBo) had a great day with Grammy!

Dear Mommy,

6:30 am Bottle - All
Diaper Change – Wet
8:30 am Cereal – Yum Yum
8:45 am Grandma rocked me… I love Grammy!
8:50 am Went to sleep all by myself.
9:20 am I woke up and Grandma called me a goober head… I think she likes me!
9:45 am Bottle – All
Diaper Change – Wet
10:30 am Diaper Change – Grandma called me stinky pants & said it was a 3- wiper.
11:30 am Fell asleep in my swing & Grandma just left me there to sleep.
12:45 pm Oscar barked too load & woke me up. Grandma called Oscar “Stupid Dog”. I don’t think she is happy.
1:00 pm Bottle – All
Diaper Change – Wet
1:30 pm I told Grandma a story. She thinks I’m pretty funny.
2:45 pm Grandma rocked me to sleep. She likes to spoil me because I’m sooo cute!
3:15 pm I woke up and talked to my mobile for 15 minutes. Then I pooped and then I was hungry so Grandma fed me. Sorry I couldn’t talk when you called but I was hungry!
4:00 pm Bottle – All
Diaper Change – Wet

Love you,
P.S. Why does that crazy Grandma Lady keep kissing me? And who is Bobo?