Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The First Few Days... Returning to Normal

The first few days home we were blessed to have family come visit. Grandpa West Aunty Meg, Grandpa Roger and Grandma Judy all made the trip to St. Louis to visit their new grandson/nephew. We were also blessed to have Grandma West here for an entire week to take care of Adam and me. She cooked, cleaned, did the laundry, and occasionally changed a diaper or two. It was fantastic! But now that the family has come and gone, Adam and I are trying to return to our normal lives. What “normal” is now is much different than it was nine months ago. There are two things that have finally returned to pre-pregnancy life, ankle bones and the disappearance of heartburn. Those who did see me during my pregnancy were witnesses to the club feet. For almost nine months, I wasn’t sure that there were any ankles inside the water filled balloons that I was walking on. I also had severe heartburn, but the minute Isaac arrived in this world, the heartburn disappeared. Halleluiah!! Besides these two things, life is much different now than it was. But we are learning each day what our new “normal” lives will be. Isaac loves to keep us guessing, whether it be another poop explosion or just snuggling with mom, he is definitely teaching us what the new definition of “normal” is.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Diaper Duty…Holy Fountains and the Great Oil Spill of 2007!!!

Well…we have been home for a few days now and it has definitely been interesting. Diaper duty has been the most startling of them all. Adam and I attended an “Infant Care” class where we were informed that a baby’s first diaper is usually made up of a black tarry substance. But what Adam and I were not aware of is that we were going to have the Great Oil Spill of 2007. Isaac did such a number that Adam had to throw away two of the hospital’s receiving blankets.
Then, due to the circumcision, diaper duty is currently a two man job. You would think that two grown adults should be able to change a diaper. Well… we can change diapers…we just get baptized in the process. Not only has Sara been christened by the Holy Fountain once… but twice.
Isaac is also currently the Pro at filling his diaper immediately after you change his diaper. Ten diapers a day...not in our world.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Welcome to the World, Baby Isaac!

Isaac Chase Breed was born at 1:40 p.m. on Friday, November 16, 2007. He weighed 9 lbs 6 oz and was 21 3/4 inches. We will write more when we have time. Please enjoy a few of his first pictures.